Harmon Releases Audit of Martin County Sheriff’s Gas, Oil and Unmined
Coal Tax Settlement
FRANKFORT, Ky. – State Auditor Mike Harmon today released the audit of the sheriff’s
settlement – 2015 gas, oil, and unmined coal tax settlement for Martin County Sheriff John Kirk.
State law requires the auditor to annually audit the accounts of each county sheriff. In
compliance with this law, the auditor issues two sheriff’s reports each year: one reporting on the
audit of the sheriff’s tax account, and the other reporting on the audit of the fee account used to
operate the office.
Harmon Releases Audit of Martin County Sheriff’s Tax Settlement
FRANKFORT, Ky. – State Auditor Mike Harmon today released the audit of the sheriff’s
settlement – 2015 taxes for Martin County Sheriff John Kirk. State law requires the auditor to
annually audit the accounts of each county sheriff. In compliance with this law, the auditor issues
two sheriff’s reports each year: one reporting on the audit of the sheriff’s tax account, and the
other reporting on the audit of the fee account used to operate the office.