Summer is more than half over and many of you are probably wondering where the time went. There were so many items on your agenda to accomplish this summer, but you just never got around to competing them. That’s just not the case for Appalachia Service Project team members in Inez and Warfield.

In April of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared his War on Poverty from a front porch in Inez in Martin County. Unfortunately, the poverty levels are still alarmingly high. ASP volunteers are back for the 4th year in Martin County trying to help fight the growing War on Poverty.

Volunteer groups have been stationed in Inez and Warfield since the beginning of June working on various projects including remodeling, room additions, floor and roof replacements, drainage ditches, and much, much more!

In just a few short weeks a handful of people have made a tremendous difference in our area. Please take just a few minutes to visit each of their Facebook Pages to view all the pictures of the various projects in progress around our county. Leave a few words of encouragement and appreciation for their valuable time and effort.

Warfield Facebook Page:

Inez Facebook Page:

Corporate Facebook Page:

If you would like to volunteer to help with Appalachia Service Project (ASP) or help their progress with a monetary contribution please visit their official website for more information


Appalachia Service Project (ASP) provides one of the most rewarding structured service opportunities in the nation — bringing thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families. But ASP is more than just a building program. Yes, Appalachia’s poorest families urgently need your help, but they can help change your life, too. Because when you change the lives of others, they have a way of changing you.

After a few days of hard work repairing homes with ASP, your hands will grow a little tougher, your arms a little stronger, and your relationship with God a whole lot deeper. You’ll return home to your community with a passion for service, a renewed compassion for other people, and a fresh appreciation for your place and purpose in this world. Best of all, you’ll discover first-hand that regardless of geography, education, or economic class, we are all equal members of the family of God.

We like to say that our goal is to make homes “warmer, safer and drier” for needy families. And for more than 40 years, we’ve done exactly that for thousands of families. Yet for all that, we are only able to serve one in ten families who apply to us for help. We need many, many more volunteers to make a lasting dent in Appalachian poverty.

In other words, we need you.

So come on and join us. Sure, you’ll install insulation. Repair porches. Reinforce foundations. But even more importantly, you’ll build a whole new you.

Corporate Information:

Appalachia Service Project
4523 Bristol Highway
Johnson City, TN 37601
(800) 289-4254
[email protected]